Gas / Combustion Turbine Performance

CleanAir provides rigorous and impartial third party simple cycle plant performance tests to determine heat rate and power generating capacity in accordance with ASME PTC-22, ASME PTC-4.4, ASME PTC-46 or comparable international test standards for:

  • new unit contractual acceptance,
  • establishment of power purchase agreements,
  • contractual benchmark pre-and-post modification testing, and
  • benchmarking as required for plant performance and heat rate trending

CleanAir has conducted a significant number of international test programs for both oil and gas fired units.   Our philosophy is to design test programs with minimal plant disruption that utilizes a mixture of precision temporary test instruments and plant installed instruments in order to balance test cost and accuracy requirements.   CleanAir also has the resources and expertise to provide:

ptcAir Emissions Tuning

During tuning, CleanAir measures NOx, O2 and occasionally CO concentrations from the gas turbine exhaust.   These measurements are made while the tuning engineers adjust the operating parameters of the turbine (e.g., air flows, water injection rates, fuel flow, etc.) to achieve the optimal performance of the unit.

Air Emissions Testing

Turbine performance testing is conducted to establish compliance with emissions limits set by Federal or State regulations, or guaranteed by the equipment manufacturer.   The testing is normally performed at multiple operating loads.   Examples of the testing requirements include those specified under:

  • 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart GG (NSPS)
  • 40 CFR Part 75.19 (fuel and unit specific NOx emission rates)
  • 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix E (NOx emissions from peaking units)
  • Manufacturer's guaranteed limits
  • State required emission compliance testing for criteria and hazardous air pollutants, including NOx, particulate matter, opacity, PM10, PM2.5, CO, VOCs, formaldehyde and ammonia.

CleanAir's performance testing, emissions testing and tuning capabilities provide seamless integration when critical substantial completion milestones are tied to new plant construction.

Related Services:

Stack / Source Emissions Testing
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
