Making the World a Better Place.
CleanAir has provided our unique emission testing capabilities in conjunction with our consulting services to help both utility and industrial boiler operators in the development of defensible 40 CFR 64 CAM Plans. Using the Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM® 7000) real-time particulate monitor, CleanAir has developed numerous total suspended particulate – opacity correlations. A predictive indicator range for total suspended particulate (TSP) is established based on concurrent TSP measurements and continuous opacity monitor (COM) measurements obtained during a test program. Real-time TSP measurements are invaluable to the CAM Plan test program as the TEOM 7000 can collect thousands of TSP data points in the same time period necessary to complete three (3) conventional EPA Method 5 or 17 test runs.
The data output from the TEOM 7000 and the COM are subjected to a comprehensive mathematical analysis. This evaluation typically consists of applying EPA Performance Specification 11 (PS-11) statistical methodology and acceptance criteria to the TSP-opacity results. PS-11 provides for extremely rigorous statistical methodology, data analysis, and data acceptance criteria. The Figure below shows the results from a CAM test program conducted on a 530 klb/hr CFB boiler equipped with a baghouse.
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