Stack & Source Emissions Testing

power plant stack

Clean Air Engineering has been an innovative leader in stack emissions testing since 1972. When looking for emissions measurement solutions that go beyond the EPA Reference Method approach, our engineers and scientists will design the right program for you.

CleanAir performs the full spectrum of stack testing services to all types of industries, worldwide, satisfying regulatory requirements for emissions testing as well as providing vital process evaluation data, performance optimization and guarantee testing.   Our stack testing teams routinely sample for all regulated pollutants, including criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and volatile organic compounds that include:

From air toxics to fine particulates and from FTIR to on-site gas chromatography, put CleanAir¹s more than 35 years experience to work for you. We don¹t just identify problems. We find solutions.

Air Heater Efficiency

Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy

APC Equipment Testing / Optimization

Fuel Switching Studies / Renewable Energy

Boiler Testing

Gas Chromatography (GC)

Capture / Destruction Efficiency

Gas / Combustion Turbine Performance

CEMS Services

Mercury Testing

Corrosion Management

Volatile Organic Compounds

FEGT Measurements


Related Services:

Ambient Monitoring


Greenhouse Gas Management

Laboratory Analysis