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IEEE Standard 548-1984 |
Round Trip - Resistivity measured as a function of ascending and descending test temperature between 85°C and 450°C in an environment of air containing one specified water concentration at an average electric field intensity of 4kV/cm |
$1,045/sample |
Ascending temperatures only; otherwise same as round trip: |
$925/sample |
Descending temperatures only; otherwise same as round trip: |
$660/sample |
Descending temperatures with one ascending data point at the temperature of principal interest; otherwise same as round trip: |
$760/sample |
Resistivity as a function of applied electric field at a specified temperature: |
$710/sample |
With Sulfuric Acid or Ammonia Environment; EPA Report 600/7-78-035 |
Single point determination - Resistivity measured isothermally as a function of electric field intensity in an environment of air containing a specified concentration of water and sulfuric acid or ammonia vapor (48 hour test) |
$1,045/sample |
Each additional data point produced by changing temperature, water concentration, sulfuric acid vapor concentration or ammonia vapor concentration (24 hour test): |
$660/sample |
Resistivity predicted as a function of temperature and environmental conditions (water and sulfuric acid concentration) using customer-supplied coal and ash compositional data. Model II described in EPA-600/7-86-010 is used; with brief comment. |
$250/sample |
Predicted inherent and sodium-depleted volume resistivity using customer-supplied ash compositional data. Described in EPRI Report CS-3421; with brief comment. |
$250/sample |
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