Air dispersion modeling can be used to predict the concentration of criteria pollutants at specified ground-level receptors around an emission source. |
Air quality modeling is used to predict concentrations of air pollutants that disperse and react in the atmosphere. Air Dispersion Modeling simulates emissions as they are transported through the atmosphere. These models take into account atmospheric conditions, such as meteorological inputs; and source data, including stack height and emissions rates. Dispersion Modeling provides necessary data for regulatory applications; and can be used to assess control technologies. Regulatory applications can include State Implementation Plan (SIP) compliance, to meet permit application requirements for New Source Review (NSR) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations.
Using EPA approved Air Dispersion Models, CleanAir has conducted dispersion modeling scenarios for many of our industrial clients. Successful projects have included modeling for NSR permits, evaluating impacts using control technology, and determining PSD applicability.
CleanAir is experienced in the application of EPA-approved models for criteria pollutants. We have been successful providing compliance results using the refined dispersion models, including the EPA preferred AERMOD Modeling System, for point source emissions and fugitive sources. With our expertise in conducting Point Source and Ambient testing and our in-depth understanding of the model inputs and variables, CleanAir can provide a successful modeling system approach.
Modeling Qualifications
Air Dispersion Modeling Case Study
Ambient Air Monitoring
Stack and Source Emissions Testing