Hightech.rent home page
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Slogan: Branching the world’s most sought after technology together!
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Some great tech photos, movie or slideshow in background at top
Linkable statements or portals
Suppliers (for us they are suppliers BUT for a renter they are the ____?
Wouldn’t they still be suppliers?
Amazon call them Sellers
I prefer what I would this of as High Tech Asset Specialist
So replace the word supplier with High Tech Asset Specialist? Until we find a better word. ok
(the entire website is geared towards renters) which means to me that we do not need a separate portal for renters
This Renters section can be implemented on the main page and the supplier section will be a portal of such which directs them to
What we should do is simply have a clickable list/gallery of the categories of available equipment where renters and asset groups can view at their discretion in addition to the online inventory search engine
Display in clear language
This way there is no question to anyone why they would be on our page before they start shopping
High Tech Asset Groups
Search (check how Amazon and Ebay do it)
i will right now
Obviously the search engine is right in front on both websites main page where any user can begin using it instantly
About page for general browsers
Contact page
Renter section
Step 1:
Every user will be prompted to create a login before completing any transactions
On the login page they will also have the option to become a supplier if interested and then
they will be directed to the supplier form network page
This section will allow the user to
Search the database of equipment
See a description of the equipment
Manufacturer's recommendations
How to use
Browse the database for equipment
Filter the searching to meet their criteria
See a real time rental status displaying availability and quantity
Request specific equipment to be sourced by us
We will then line them up with potential suppliers to give them a quote on the specialty equipment that they are seeking
Give feedback directly to us
Share their great experience from our site and have their logo displayed by their promoted recommendation
View reviews of other renters
Make comments
Should include a frequently asked questions section:
How does it work?
What do i have to do?
How much does it cost?
Is there a membership fee?
Who do I pay?
May even include a simple tutorial of the website via a short 1-2 minute video
Video introduction to the purpose and focus of the website (3-5 minutes)
Must tell the world who we are
Why we are doing this
What problem we are solving
How we are better and more capable than our competitors
What our main goal is
When the renter selects an item
They will be directed to another page which opens up and gives them the option to:
Schedule the rental immediately if the supplier have a flat rate price on the item
Request a quote
Ask the supplier a question
Sign the rental contract and complete the transaction simple and fast!
Supplier page
Every page of the website will have a noticeable box to click at anytime to become a supplier
I personally do not like how Kwipped does theirs with an automatic pop-up window with a representative’s chat box asking how they might help you.
I feel that this method is a little forward and turns me off right away
I want our suppliers to be directed to a page where they can… In their own words…
Read and agree to our terms and conditions
input their basic company info
describe to us what they do
What they are about
What the strengths and weaknesses of their company are
Why they chose us
What they look to get out of using our platform
Share what type of equipment they will be listing on our site
Tell us what makes their company the most valuable with what they do
Once verified they should be prompted to:
Upload all their equipment
Use 24/7 tech support to answer and solve any questions at any time